Makers’ Faire
the scenes on 42nd Avenue
August 23, 2014
Beaumont-Wilshire Neighbors,
This year’s
42nd Avenue signature event is a Makers’ Faire. Although we will continue the spirit of the Street
Fair with entertainment, a beer garden, foots ball, and a bouncy house, this
year will emphasize the identity of our district: making goods and providing services.
Like the
guilds of old, the makers on 42nd Avenue serve their community by
honoring their craft. Whether its furniture, signs, charcuterie, bread,
pastries, metal objects, printed material, fancy cars, healthy teeth, bikes,
ice cream, employment, beverages, a place to gather, or obedient dogs, making good
and services is our commonality.
From noon to
6 p.m., Faire participants can go behind the scenes, into businesses to meet
the owners and staff. Get an insider’s view of businesses through tours,
classes, contests, giveaways, and tastings. Our scavenger hunt can qualify you
for prize drawings. As a business district, we are excited to share with our
neighbors the view from the other side of the counter.
activities, enjoy amazing live music and booths.
2-4 PM: BrassRoots
Movement: New Orleans Stand Up Brass Band. http://www.reverbnation.com/thebrassrootsmovement
PM: Jalani
and the Secret Five Gospel
and Soul.
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