Makers’ Faire
behind the scenes on 42nd
Saturday, August 23rd
12:00 – 6:00 pm
We invite you to participate in our 5th annual 42nd
Avenue signature event - our Makers’ Faire. This event conveys the economic
diversity of our Avenue and is designed to bring vitality to our business
district while giving our greater community a place to gather and buy each
other’s wares. To be a vendor, complete the information below and include a
check made payable to the 42nd Avenue Business Association.
Send the application and check to
42nd Avenue Makers’ Faire Vendor
C/O Myo DeMayo
4650 NE Simpson St.
Portland, OR 97218.
If you have any questions, please email Myo at

Business Name:
Vendor Name:
Email Address:
Describe what you make and will be selling:
items must be handmade. No mass-produced or imports allowed.
Describe what activity/demonstration you
will use to engage participants in your booth:
Fee Structure:
42nd Avenue Business
Association Members $0
Businesses off the Avenue $60
Neighborhood Makers $50
Makers who demonstrate how to make products or services $25
community beneficial organizations $40
(sliding scale)

As a vendor, I understand that this waiver of liability must be signed
in order for me to participate in the 42nd Avenue Street Fair. I understand
and acknowledge that my services will be provided only at the booth site assigned
to me and may consist of all or some of the following Vending Services: arts &
crafts sales, food vending, garage sales, not for profit fundraising activities.
I understand that in order to receive a booth site(s), I must assume all responsibility
and risk associated with all conditions, hazards and potential dangers in, on or
about a site, whether they are open and obvious or concealed. I hereby RELEASE,
DISCHARGE AND WAIVE, any claims, actions or suits of any character, name and description,
that I may have against the 42nd Avenue Street Fair, the Fair coordinator,
and its planning committee, agents and employees and owners/lessees of a booth’s
site, as a result of any injuries, damages or death received or sustained by me
in connection with the Vendor Services performed on, in or while I
am participating in any 42nd Avenue Street Fair activities.
I hereby agree to INDEMNIFY, DEFEND AND HOLD HARMLESS, 42nd Avenue Street
Fair, the Fair coordinator, its planning committee, officers, agents and employees
and owners/lessees of a booth’s site, from and against any and all liabilities,
losses, claims, costs, expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees), damages,
obligation, judgments or deficiencies of every kind and description, contingent
or otherwise, resulting from or arising out of any of my acts or failure to act
in connection with my services provided during the 42nd Avenue Street
Fair activities.
Signature (date)
If under 18, signature
of representative (date)